Venus Pool - 27 Jan 22

Today I paid another visit to the Shropshire Ornithological Society's reserve at Venus Pool. Here are some more photos taken from the publicly available hides.

On the left a Little Egret with a black bill and yellow feet. On the right a (Great) White Egret with a yellow bill and black feet.

Lapwings are a jumpy species and often all take to the air for no obvious reason. Eight returning.

A Common Snipe giving good views.


And again.

There were two standing in formation.

 "Don't look at me like that"

Looks as if it blowing an alpenhorn.

This was a real surprise find. It is a first-winter Green Sandpiper - an adult would show a darker back and therefore more contrast between the white belly. This species is normally a passage migrant though a few stay over winter mainly in small ditches.

Unusually there were no Cormorants when I arrived. Suddenly a group of 32 arrived together. Here are nine of them, four of them showing the breeding white thigh patch.

There is a woodland hide where tits can be seen. A perky Blue Tit.

Always a treat to see Long-tailed Tits looking this way...

 ..and that.

Better have another."

(Ed Wilson)