Venus Pool - 9 Feb 25

On Sunday 9 February 2025, a very dull afternoon, I visited the public hide at the Shropshire Ornithological Reserve at Venus Pool. A few, not very dynamic, photos from the chilly visit.

There were several hundred geese present, all Canadas and Greylags. Most flew off to feed in the fields. Here one of the Greylags leaves.

A Common Shelduck flew in. The small black tip to the tail feathers indicate this is a first year bird.

I wonder why this species is called "Pintail"? A pair here.

Here is the very smart drake. This pair suddenly appeared in the middle of the water and five minutes later they had gone. I have no idea where they came from or went to. I never saw them in flight and there seemed to be nowhere for them to hide. Puzzling.

"What is this small creature?" A Canada Goose looks quizzically at a passing Common Snipe.

"Is it edible?". Another Canada Goose equally puzzled.

 Two Common Snipe searching for food.

In the very far distance two Common Buzzards tangle talons, probably in a territorial dispute.

There is a friendly Robin that wants to be fed by visitors to the public hide.

Last year a Robin often flew inside the hide. Visitors were concerned it might get trapped if the hatches were accidentally closed while the bird was still in the dark recesses. Today the Robin stayed outside, posing for photos.

On the grass in front of the hide a Goldfinch searches for seeds.

At first glance this Goldfinch seems to have a deformed bill with the tip of the upper mandible missing.

This shows that the tip of the upper mandible is grey-toned. It is the dull conditions that makes it hard to see.

(Ed Wilson)